What are the National & International PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS dealing with GALVANIZING worldwide?
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Below is a summary & a compilation post for the National & International ORGANIZATIONS dealing with GALVANIZING, in particular, HDG: Hot-Dip-Galvanizing, worldwide. For easier navigation, you can use the links below (To change the language of this post, please use the ‘Google Translate’ dropdown box above.↑):
Table of Contents
WHAT is Galvanizing / Galvanization? IMPORTANCE for Our World
WHY are Professional Galvanizing Organizations in Our World IMPORTANT?
EGGA : European General Galvanizers Association
IFV:Industrieverband Feuerverzinken eV (Germany)
AIZ: Associazione Italiana Zincatura(Italy)
PTC: Polskie Towarzystwo Cynkownicze
L’association Galvazinc – The Galvazinc Association (France)
Association of Czech and Slovak Galvanisers
ATEG: Asociación Tecnica Española de Galvanización
VSV: Vereinigung Schweizerischer Verzinkereien, Switzerland
GALDER (General Galvanizer Association)
APGGA : The Asia Pacific General Galvanizers Association
CGA:China Galvanizers Association
AGI: Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia
GAM:Galvanizers Association of Malaysia
JGA: Japan Galvanizers Association
TGA: Galvanizing Association of Taiwan
KGA: Korea Galvanizers Association
GAA: Galvanizers Association of Australia
GANZ: Galvanizing Association of New Zealand
AGA: American Galvanizers Association
GA: The Galvanizers Association
ICZ (Lead and Zinc Information Information Institute), Brazil
AMEGAC : Asociación Mexicana de Galvanizadores
AAGIC : Asociación Argentina de Galvanizado Por Inmersión en Caliente
HDGASA: Hot Dip Galvanizers Association Southern Africa
ILZSG: International Lead-Zinc Study Group
IZLRO: International Zinc-Lead Research Organization
IZA: International Zinc Association
GALDER (General Galvanizer Association)
WHAT is Galvanizing / Galvanization? IMPORTANCE for Our World
As most of you already know, the majority of engineering & architectural structures in our world are made of metals such as Iron & Steel. However, sometimes when you look at these structures, you might encounter different surface appearances that are brighter and shinier, which may be due to either a Stainless Steel structure or due to a coating technology called GALVANIZING or GALVANIZATION.
Galvanization or galvanizing (also spelled Galvanisation or Galvanising, predominantly in BRIT) is the process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron, to prevent rusting. The most common method is HDG: Hot-Dip Galvanizing -, in which the parts are submerged in a bath of molten hot Zinc metal, according to Wikipedia, which is the free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world.
Technically speaking, HDG is stated as a tough, durable, sustainable, fast-turnaround, cost-effective, well-proven, reliable, predictable coating technology offering complete coverage with three-way protection. Being advanced, sophisticated, and well-established technology, almost every aspect of Galvanizing&HDG technologies are covered with national/international standards which you can find a summary of them in the link below*:
Although GALVANIZING technology has gone through various technological changes from the 18th century to today1, a simple schematic representation of the HDG process is as follows:
Thanks to this HDG technology, automotive, architectural, industrial, marine and offshore structures may have an aesthetically pleasing appearance and can be protected for much longer periods against CORROSION and similar environmental effects.
Credit: EGGA Global Galvanizing Awards
WHY are Galvanizing (HDG) Professional Organizations in Our World IMPORTANT?
Firstly let’s define what a Professional Organization is:
According to, – a US-based reputable employment website, A professional organization, sometimes referred to as a professional association or professional body, exists to advance a particular profession, support the interests of people working in that profession and serve the public good. Professional organizations can be both national or international, and often may have close ties to colleges and universities with degree programs in that field.
According to Wikipedia, professional organizations around the world can be nonprofit organizations (NPOs) or not-for-profit organizations, or nonprofit institutions and is a legal entity organized and operated for a collective, public or social benefit, in contrast with an entity that operates as a business aiming to generate a profit for its owners.
The importance of professional organizations, in our case Professional GALVANIZING / HDG Organizations generally lies in their mission statements which are mainly educational and informational. The mission of these professional Galvanizing organizations may include the following useful statements:
- Opportunity to network with other colleagues in industry and practice.
- Offer continuing education, seminars, webinars, and lectures along with other opportunities for learning
- Job prospects
- Mentoring programs.
- Access to resources
- Getting your name (and your firm’s) out there
- Latest knowledge and practices locally, regionally, and globally.
- Access to scholarships and internships
- Organizing Conferences, Symposiums, Congresses, Trade Fairs and Shows.
Below you can find Professional Organizations operating worldwide related to the GALVANIZING & HDG 2 industry/technology and sector. In this article, you can find both national professional Galvanizing organizations operating in 6 different continents such as America, Africa, Asia, Europe and Australia, as well as international Galvanizing3 organizations working for all countries / continents:
Credit: Wikipedia
1 You can learn the HISTORY of Galvanizing in detail, along with the changes in the Galvanization industry and technology, from the following links: :
2 A noteworthy detail is that the word GALVANIZE also means “shock or excite (someone) into taking action.” in addition to its technical meaning. “The urgency of his voice galvanized them into action.”
3 Although the GALVANIZING industry includes many different technologies (i.e. Electro-galvanizing, Sherardizing, Mechanical Galvanizing, etc.), this article focuses on two (2) main categories, namely “GENERAL or BATCH Galvanizing (DISCONTINUOUS Galvanizing)” and “CONTINUOUS Galvanizing”.
Let’s start with the European Continent where the Galvanizing industry was first invented & rolled out to the other parts of the world in history. (For the historical details about Galvanizing, you can look up the weblinks shared above1.)
If you want to learn anything about Europe’s general galvanizing sector, EGGA: European General Galvanizers Association is the place to start, for sure! Following EGGA, you will also find the national Galvanizing Professional Organizations in Europe in the paragraphs below:
EGGA: European General Galvanizers Association
EGGA: European General Galvanizers Association is the industry organization for Europe’s general galvanizing sector. It is a federation of the National Associations of most of the European Union Member States together with the UK, Norway, and Turkey. Those National Associations represent about 600 general galvanizing plants.
It is a federation of the National Associations of most of the European Union Member States together with the UK, Norway, and Turkey. Those National Associations represent about 600 general galvanizing plants.
For more information about EGGA, you can visit their official website, which is or their social media accounts below:
IFV:Industrieverband Feuerverzinken eV (Germany)
Founded in 1967 and based in Düsseldorf, The Industrieverband Feuerverzinken eV ( IFV ) represents the interests of the German hot-dip galvanizing industry, which annually protects more than 2 million tons of steel with a turnover of 780 million euros through hot-dip galvanizing against corrosion (rust) and employs around 4,800 people.
The association and its service organization, Institut Feuerverzinken GmbH, represent the economic and technical interests of the German hot-dip galvanizing industry vis-à-vis the public, politics, authorities, process users, consumers, and scientific institutions. Its tasks include:
- Lobbying
- Research and Development
- Member support
- Public relations and procedural marketing
- Technical support for users
- Further training for members and users of the procedure
- Standardization work
One of the focal points of the association’s work is the topic of sustainability. The association understands sustainable action is primarily product-related in the ecological sense.
For more information about IFV, you can visit their official website, which is or their social media accounts below:
AIZ: Associazione Italiana Zincatura(Italy)
“L’Associazione Italiana Zincatura, AIZ” (which actually means “The Italian Zinc Plating Association”) established in 1957, is a non-profit association whose main objective is to develop the use of hot-dip galvanizing, as optimal protection of steel against corrosion.
AIZ participates internationally in the activity of the EGGA, European General Galvanizers Association. On a national level, AIZ is associated with ASSOMET, the National Association of Non-Ferrous Metals Industries. Follows scientific and research activities at an international level; it promotes studies for the development of new products and the improvement of existing ones; collaborates with various Italian universities; publishes technical and informative texts. Organize conferences and seminars; promote collaboration and exchange of information between people, organizations, and other institutions that pursue similar purposes.
AIZ participates in the elaboration, drafting, and revision of national and international technical standards in the context of the activities of ISO, CEN, ECISS, UNI, Unsider, Unimet, CEI Committees. It promotes the use of structural steel together with other national steel organizations like Federacciai, ACAI, CTA, AIPEG.
AIZ also provides continuous support to designers and end-users to determine the best result of the hot-dip galvanizing application.
For more information about AIZ, you can visit their official website, which is or their social media accounts below:
Zinkinfo Benelux
The mission of Zinkinfo Benelux consists of promoting hot-dip galvanizing and – as an extension of this – applying an organic top layer to hot-dip galvanized steel as the most effective and sustainable form of corrosion prevention for steel in general and within the BENELUX (Benelux Union) in particular.
To achieve its objectives, Zinkinfo Benelux has developed a strategic plan consisting of 4 pillars:
- Setting up proactive marketing and communication campaigns to promote hot-dip galvanizing.
- Knowledge transfers both to its own members and to all important stakeholders (governments, architects, engineering firms, steel constructors…).
- Actively following legislation, standards, specifications… through intensive contacts with the most important decision-makers.
- Advocacy of Zinkinfo members at EGGA: European General Galvanizers Association).
For more information about Zinkinfo Benelux, you can visit their official website, which is or their social media accounts below:
PTC: Polskie Towarzystwo Cynkownicze
PTC: Polskie Towarzystwo Cynkownicze is a voluntary, non-profit organization and self-governing association of people with appropriate qualifications and willingness to work for the galvanizing industry with over 50 galvanizing plants located throughout the country.
Established in 1994, PTC has been consistently developing its activities, currently associating 80% of the Polish market for hot-dip galvanizing services. PTC is also a member of EGGA: European General Galvanizers Association.
For more information about PTC, you can visit their official website, which is or their social media accounts below:
L’association Galvazinc – The Galvazinc Association (France)
Founded in 1956, L’association Galvazinc is the association for the development of hot galvanizing, by galvanizers, zinc producers, and steelmakers.
Their missions are;
- French association for the development of hot-dip galvanizing.
- Professional body guaranteeing the quality and image of hot-dip galvanizing.
- Member of the European Association of Galvanizers ( EGGA ); as such carries out activities at the European level.
- Leads and federates actions in the fields: technical, environment, marketing.
- Participate in the development of European standards and ensure that they are respected.
- Offers its support and expertise to specifiers, designers, users, and manufacturers.
- Participate in the drafting of specifications, recommend the rules to be respected for optimal quality, in terms of anticorrosion.
Some of the actions of L’association Galvazinc are;
- Inform or train you in this technology, based on a natural and 100% recyclable product;
- Develop metallic construction in galvanized steel ( ISO 1461 Standard ) for quality, durable and ecological construction;
- Offer you full support from the project phase to delivery;
- Help you in writing your specifications;
- Recommend the rules to follow for optimal quality;
- Research & Develop new technical and aesthetic solutions for galvanized steels or Duplex systems (galvanization + painting);
- Offer you all the technical documentation concerning ISO 1461 galvanizing ;
- Carry out expertise and technical reports;
- Organize visits to ISO 1461 galvanizing plants.
For more information about L’association Galvazinc, you can visit their official website, which is or their social media accounts below:
Association of Czech and Slovak Galvanisers

AČSZ : Asociace českých a slovenských zinkoven (meaning “Association of Czech and Slovak Galvanisers” in English) is a professional association that provides services for hot dip galvanizing plants in the Czech and Slovak Republics.
AČSZ is a member of the European General Galvanizers Association (EGGA) and an associate member of the International Zinc Association (IZA). We also cooperate with the Czech Association of Steel Structures (CAOK).
AČSZ provides Galvanizing plants with services in the field of technology, technology and ecology and informs members through an exchange network provided primarily by EGGA. AČSZ also performs promotional and marketing activities focused on anti-corrosion protection with hot-dip zinc coating. It organizes professional seminars and conferences for galvanizing plants and coating users. AČSZ also publishes publications in the field of hot-dip galvanizing.
For more information about AČSZ , you can visit their official website:
ATEG: Asociación Tecnica Española de Galvanización

ATEG: Asociación Tecnica Española de Galvanización is The Spanish Technical Association for Galvanization that has represented the hot galvanizing industry in Spain since 1965. It is constituted under Article 22 of the Spanish Constitution and Law 191/1964, of December 24, on Associations, as a non-profit, independent, and apolitical association.
For more information about ATEG , you can visit their official website, which is or their social media accounts below:—asociación-técnica-española-de-galvanización/
GA: Galvanizers Association
GA: Galvanizers Association is the representational body for the hot-dip galvanizing industry in the UK and Ireland.
GA officials are stating that they are the source of free information and advice about hot-dip galvanizing, cost-effective corrosion protection, and the galvanizing industry. Since its establishment in 1949, GA has provided authoritative information and advice on hot dip galvanizing to users and potential users.
For more information about GA, you can visit their official website, which is or their social media accounts below:
VSV: Vereinigung Schweizerischer Verzinkereien
Vereinigung Schweizerischer Verzinkereien (VSV) is the Association of Swiss Galvanizing Plants in which Various hot-dip galvanizing plants have come together in order to safeguard these common interests:
- Education and training / promotion of young talent
- Technical advancement, innovations
- Environmental Protection
- Occupational safety
- Marketing
- Exchange of experiences
- Contact with other specialist agencies and associations
For more information about VSV, you can visit their official website, which is
Nordic Galvanizers
Nordic Galvanizers is the association for hot-dip galvanizing companies in the Nordic countries. Together with the zinc producer New Boliden, who has plants in Kokkola, Finland, and Odda, Norway, Nordic Galvanizers runs an information office in Stockholm, Sweden. The aim of the information office is to help users of galvanized steel with questions regarding surface treatment, corrosion, environment, education, and technology.
Nordic Galvanizers perform research and development, work with environmental issues and take part in international cooperation through EGGA: European General Galvanizers Association.
For more information about Nordic Galvanizers , you can visit their official website, which is or their social media accounts below:—Industrial/Nordic-Galvanizers-1485929374993684/
Credit: Wikipedia
If you want to learn anything about the general galvanizing sector of Asia, APGGA:The Asia Pacific General Galvanizers Association is one of the best professional organizations in the world since it is an umbrella organization for Galvanizers in the Asian Continent! Following APGGA, you will also find the National Galvanizing Professional Organizations in Asia in the paragraphs below:
APGGA: The Asia Pacific General Galvanizers Association

The Asia Pacific General Galvanizers Association (APGGA) is the industry organisation for Asia-Pacific’s general galvanizing sector. It is a group of national Associations of many of the countries of the region, along with individual galvanizers and suppliers to galvanizers in the Asia-Pacific region.
You can access more information about APGGA via their official website link below:
CGA: China Galvanizers Association

Located in Beijing, China, CGA: China Galvanizers Association is represented by the Speciality Committee of Hot-dip Galvanizing of CSCP: Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection.
For more information about CGA, you can visit their official website, which is
AGI: Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia
Having formally founded in December 1996 by five domestic Galvanizing Companies in Jakarta, AGI: Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia (The Indonesian Galvanizers Association) were notarized in June 1997 together with its 19 Founder Members.
AGI has the following 5 missions:
1. To Unite and develop the galvanizing industry in Indonesia.
2. To Develop an active relationship among the domestic galvanizers and international galvanizers.
3. To Enforce better productivity and quality as well as achieve higher efficiency.
4. To Form unity and mutual benefit for strategic matters among active members.
5. Actively supporting the government program to promote the competitiveness of the local industry.
For more information about AGI, you can visit their official website, which is, or their Instagram account below:
GAM: Galvanizers Association of Malaysia
Established in 1997 to represent galvanizing companies and to provide technical consulting services on a not for profit basis, GAM: Galvanizers Association of Malaysia is an industry Association comprising many of the leading galvanizing companies throughout Malaysia.
The objectives of GAM are:
- To develop, promote and protect the interests of Members in Malaysia;
- To promote and encourage better trade relationships, cooperation and sharing of knowledge and technology amongst Members;
- To make representations and recommendations and to liaise and hold dialogue with government and quasi-government bodies and other organization for and on behalf of the Members;
- To mediate and act as arbitrators if deemed fir by the Council, or otherwise assist in the settlement of disputes and difficulties arising between Members and non-Members;
- To foster closer ties with other associations, Chambers of Commerce. Mercantile and Public Bodies throughout the world and wherever desirable, to affiliate subscribe to membership thereof;
- To provide meeting places, seminars and workshops for its Members to bring together persons engaged or connected with similar industries so that they may cooperate and mutual, exchange ideas and views for the advancement in the interest of the Association;
- To continuously update Members on technological and commercial development in similar industries;
- To promote regulator’s standards and practices in the Galvanizing Industry to the members;
- To carry out such other activities as may be delegated to the Association by any governmental body, statutory board or any other authority and generally to do all such other lawful things as the Council may consider necessary for the benefit of Members;
- To encourage more participation of Hot Dip Galvanizing, Spinning Galvanizing, flat galvanizing, pipe galvanizing, general galvanizing, wire galvanizing, continues galvanizing, electroplating, diecasting, zinc supplier, chemicals supplier, equipment supplier, zinc chemical supplier local/International and related industry to joint the Galvanizers Association of Malaysia;
- To promote and encourage more zinc suppliers, zinc distributors, zinc producers, zinc traders and etc, to sell Zinc into the Malaysian market.
For more information about GAM, you can visit their official website below:
JGA: Japan Galvanizers Association
Established with the Japan Wet Zinc Plating Association in April 1947 as the parent body, its name was changed to the Japan Hot Dip Galvanizing Association in March 1958, and on November 26, 1971, a public interest approved by the Minister of International Trade and Industry to promote the spread of steel rust prevention by improving hot dip galvanizing technology and management.
JGA was reborn as a corporation “Japan Hot Dip Galvanizing Association”. In April 2012, the organization name changed again from an incorporated association to a general incorporated association, Japan Galvanizers Association Inc.
Headquartered in Tokyo, JGA has branches in three districts of eastern Japan, central Japan, and western Japan, engaging in regional activities.
For more information about JGA, you can visit their official website below:
TGA: Galvanizing Association of Taiwan
Founded on 26 July 2000 in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, TGA: Taiwan Galvanizers Association is the association for hot-dip galvanizing companies (galvanizers) in Taiwan.
TGA has the following main objectives as a professional Galvanizer association:
- Strengthening interaction and participation among members.
- Researching hot-dip galvanizing technology.
- Providing hot-dip galvanizing market information.
- Holding seminars on hot-dip galvanizing technology.
- Actively deepening the market and promoting the development of potential markets.
- Promoting hot-dip galvanizing anti-corrosion technology.
- Strengthening the organization function of hot-dip galvanizing association.
- Promoting technical and academic exchanges at home and abroad.
- Issuing hot-dip galvanizing technology publications.
For more information about TGA, you can visit their official website, which is, or their Facebook account below:
KGA: Korea Galvanizers Association
Established under the name of Pusan-Youngnam Galvanizers Society (Allak-dong, Dongnae-gu, Pusan Metropolitan City) in 1990 December, KGA: Korea Galvanizers Association has 50 members who are doing their best to achieve the association’s aims as follows:
- Information exchange among the members concerning high quality and cost cut,
- R & D activities by strengthening the relationships with other associations of the advanced countries and by participating in international conferences such as the Asian-Pacific General Galvanizing Conference and Inter Galva,
- Establishment of Environment-friendly efforts to keep the earth clean.
For more information about KGA, you can visit their official website below:
Following the Asian continent, let’s move onto a close region called Australasia in which some of the most industrialized countries Australia and New Zealand exist.
According to, Australasia is a geographical term that has never had a precise definition and that was originally employed to denote land believed to exist south of Asia.
In its widest sense, it has been taken to include, besides Australia (with Tasmania) and New Zealand, the Malay Archipelago, the Philippines, Melanesia (New Guinea and the island groups lying east and southeast of it as far as and including New Caledonia and Fiji), Micronesia, and Polynesia.
Firstly you can find the GAA from Australia and secondly GANZ from New Zealand below:
GAA: Galvanizers Association of Australia
Established in 1963, GAA :Galvanizers Association of Australia is an industry association to represent galvanizing companies and to provide technical consulting services on a not-for-profit basis which comprises many of the leading galvanizing companies throughout Australia, New Zealand, and Asia.
Amongst the GAA’s objectives are
- to provide the highest standards in design and quality of galvanized products
- to assist consumers achieve the economics inherent in the correct design and application of galvanized products.
GAA also provides free technical publications on their website and practical assistance on all aspects of design, application, process, bolting, welding, and painting of galvanized steel.
In addition GAA’s official website above, you can get more information on their social media accounts below:
GANZ: Galvanizing Association of New Zealand
Established in 1986, The Galvanizing Association of New Zealand (GANZ) represents New Zealand’s leading hot-dip galvanizing companies. With their associates, they provide information about hot-dip galvanizing and its applications, as well as design information and technical resources.
For more information about GANZ, you can visit their official website below:
According to various reputable dictionaries like Oxford Dictionary and Meriam-Webster, The Americas, which are also collectively called America, are a landmass comprising the totality of North and South America.
Below you can find the major professional organizations about Hot-Dip Galvanizing/Galvanizers in North America (which primarily consists of the countries the USA and Canada) and in South America consisting of the countries like Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, )
AGA: American Galvanizers Association
The American Galvanizers Association (AGA), headquartered in Centennial, Colo., is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to serving the needs of specifiers, architects, engineers, contractors, fabricators, and after-fabrication hot-dip galvanizers throughout North America.
Since 1933, the AGA has provided information on the most innovative applications and state-of-the-art technological developments in hot-dip galvanizing for corrosion control. The AGA maintains a large technical library, provides multimedia seminars and offers a technical support line to assist specifiers.
The AGA also provides a number of services to galvanizers and zinc producers in the industry, including serving as a process technology research and information resource, liaison to environmental and safety regulatory authorities, and an active member of committees within specification, corrosion, and government transportation and infrastructure agencies. The association celebrates more than 80 years of preserving the past, enhancing the present, and protecting the future.
For more information about AGA, you can visit their official website, which is or their social accounts below:
GA: The Galvanizers Association
Founded in April 1936 during the opening day of the Annual Meeting of the American Zinc Institute as the Galvanizers Committee, The Galvanizers Association (GA) is a worldwide organization of nearly 150 member companies. Membership is limited to either the producers of continuous galvanizing of iron, steel sheet, pipe or suppliers to the industry.
The Association Annual Meeting provides a forum and promotes discussion of topics pertaining to general galvanizing problems in order to advance the quality of galvanized products industry-wide and increase value to the customer.
For more information about GA, you can visit their official website:
GALVALATINA is a liaison entity between the Associations, Committees, and Companies of General Hot Dip Galvanizing of the Latin American region, which was born as a result of the need for greater dissemination of the benefits of the industry, to initiate a connection with similar organizations in other regions and countries, as well as with organizations that represent zinc and steel producing companies, which are the raw materials of this industry.
The objectives of GALVALATINA are:
- Knowing the size of the galvanizing industry and its ability to meet current and future needs in the region.
- Prepare technical specifications in the field of galvanizing, to update the Technical Standards for the manufacture and application of steel products, according to the most important items for each country in:
- Public and private infrastructure
- Construction
- Energy and Communications
- Mining
- Agriculture
- Other applications
- Promoting the preparation of professionals in the process, inspection, and quality control of galvanizing and the use of their products.
- Promoting the exchange of Technology between the countries of the region and other regions at the level of Associations or Institutions.
- Grouping most of the companies dedicated to galvanization in the region.
- Promoting studies and research aimed at the continuous improvement of the galvanizing industry.
- Promoting rapprochement with project developers to inform them of the advantages of galvanizing over other steel protection options.
- Promoting the development of digital platforms for fluid interaction between galvanizers and galvanizing users in Latin America
- Holding virtual or face-to-face meetings of the Associations, Committees, and Support Institutions, in periods of bimonthly frequency or in the opportunities that are required.
- Monitoring and reporting of results: The Association is obliged to constantly monitor the actions to be developed for the benefit of the galvanizing industry and periodically report to all those involved the results obtained.
For more information about GALVALATINO, you can visit their official website, which is or their social accounts below:
ICZ (Lead and Zinc Information Information Institute), Brazil
Founded in 1970, in the midst of the growth in the sales of metals on a global scale, the ICZ (Lead and Zinc Information Information Institute), became the access for producers, transformers and consumers to new and promising markets and technologies, which were still little known at that time.
With the inclusion of more products like nickel, copper, cobalt, silver, etc., in 1988, the association changed its name to ICZ (Non-Ferrous Metals Institute), definitively becoming an important entity of representation for the entire production chain with the government and international agencies.
For more information about ICZ, you can visit their official website:
AMEGAC : Asociación Mexicana de Galvanizadores
Founded in April 1998 in Mexico, AMEGAC: Asociación Mexicana de Galvanizadores (The Mexican Association of Galvanizers) is a non-profit institution, whose mission is to “Promote the use of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel”.
To achieve this mission, AMEGAC aims to bring together all those people and entities interested in promoting the use of galvanized steel, trying to maintain a spirit of collaboration among them, which contributes to the study, improvement, and progress of this industry.
For more information about AMEGAC, you can visit their official website, which is or their social accounts below:
AAGIC : Asociación Argentina de Galvanizado Por Inmersión en Caliente
AAGIC: Asociación Argentina de Galvanizado Por Inmersión en Caliente (ARGENTINE ASSOCIATION OF HOT-DIP GALVANIZING) is a non-profit civil entity that groups together companies that carry out hot-dip galvanizing activities in the country, promoting the technical and competitive strengthening of its affiliates.
The objectives of AAGIC are;
- Promote galvanizing as a protection system for steel structures against corrosion.
- Promote and disseminate knowledge of its properties, advantages, and applications.
- Promote and sponsor studies, research, and developments through agreements with universities, technological institutes, research centers, and specialized schools.
- Support the completion of degree theses, internships, and competitions.
- Install a culture of steel protection that considers the safety of people, the conservation of natural resources, and the costs caused by corrosion.
For more information about AAGIC, you can visit their official website below:
According to Wikipedia, Africa is the world’s second-largest and second-most-populous continent, after Asia in both cases. At about 30.3 million km2 (11.7 million square miles) including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of Earth’s total surface area and 20% of its land area.
Although there are many countries in the Africa Continent ( 54 countries as of October 2021, according to ), there is one major professional organization that is predominant in this region, which is HDGSA: Hot Dip Galvanizers Association Southern Africa:
HDGASA: Hot Dip Galvanizers Association Southern Africa
Founded in 1965, the Association’s primary objective is to develop and expand the market for hot-dip galvanizing and duplex systems as cost-effective corrosion control systems.
To further this aim, the Association provides training and information to end-users, engineers, consultants, contractors, end-users, specifiers, designers, and architects by way of courses, presentations, technical research papers, plant tours, and advisory involvement at the design stage of projects.
The HDGASA publishes promotional literature such as our Steel Protection Guide, Design Wall Chart and the “Hot Dip Galvanizing Today” magazine.
On behalf of our Members, the Association liaises with regulatory and standards authorities governing the corrosion control and associated industries. Furthermore, the Association offers an independent inspection service, checking for compliance against the relevant standards.
For more information about HDGASA, you can visit their official website, which is, or their social accounts below:
In addition to the above national/continental professional organizations about Galvanizing / Galvanizers (specifically HDG) in our world, there are other international organizations in our world that serve the HDG industry on a more global scale such as ILZSG, IZLRO, and IZA.
ILZSG: International Lead-Zinc Study Group
Established in 1959 as an inter-governmental independent consultation institution by the United Nations, ILZSG has the following main objectives:
- provide opportunities for regular intergovernmental consultations on international trade in lead and zinc,
- provide continuous information on the supply and demand position of lead and zinc and its probable development and to make special studies of the world situation in lead and zinc,
- consider possible solutions to any problems or difficulties which are unlikely to be resolved in the ordinary development of world trade.
The Study Group is one of the longest established International Commodity Organisations and as such has been the role model for other bodies such as the International Nickel Study Group and the International Copper Study Group.
ILZSG has also developed and submitted several “Special Projects’ -one of which is Hot-Dip Galvanizing– to the CFC: Common Fund for Commodities for funding in collaboration with a Project Executing Agency for designing and implementation.
For more information about ILZSG, you can visit their official website below:
IZLRO: International Zinc-Lead Research Organization
Established in Sep 1958 (Present name adopted Jul 1963), The International Lead Zinc Research Organization (ILZRO) -which is the permanent observer member of ILZSG-, carries out continuous researches on the technology of lead and zinc use and works for developing the use areas of these while managing environmental, health, sustainable development and product-related research programs on behalf of the International Lead Association (ILA) and the International Zinc Association (IZA) , which will be covered in the following section below.
IZA: International Zinc Association
The International Zinc Association (IZA) is the only global industry association dedicated exclusively to the interests of zinc and its users. Operating internationally and locally through its regional affiliates, IZA helps sustain the long-term global demand for zinc and its markets by promoting such key end uses as corrosion protection for steel and the essentiality of zinc in human health and crop nutrition.
IZA’s main programs are Sustainability & Environment, Technology & Market Development and Communications. IZA staff, a team of internationally recognized experts, is dedicated to assisting the Industry with its many challenges and opportunities.
IZA’s headquarters are Durham, North Carolina (USA), and have offices in China, Europe, Latin America, North America, India, and Southern Africa.
For more information about IZA, you can visit their official website, which is or their social accounts below:
As you can see from the above organizations, these professional organizations about Galvanizing/HDG are all related to the ZINC metal since as you can remember from the very first paragraph titled “WHAT is Galvanizing / Galvanization? IMPORTANCE for Our World” that the to-be-melted ZINC metal called ingots are used for coating the various metals in the Galvanization process.
As a side note, most STEEL-related professional organizations (like Associations, Federations, Institutes, and Societies) in our world may be connected to Galvanizing and HDG related organizations since Galvanizing is mainly performed on Steel surfaces worldwide:
GALDER (General Galvanizer Association)
In Turkey, where I also live, the organization representing the Hot-Dip Galvanizing industry and sector is ‘GALDER: Genel Galvanizciler Derneği” aka. General Galvanizers Association (GALDER).
Founded in 2008, GALDER has managed to gather the leading companies of the sector under one umbrella. Today, as a corporate member of GALDER, it sheds light on the sector with the power it receives from 58 companies.
Being located in Turkey, which is a transcontinental country between Europe and Asia, GALDER makes strategic collaborations with public and private institutions at home and abroad. In line with the aim of popularizing the use of HDG: Hot-dip Galvanized coating among its missions, some examples of these strategic collaborations are the memberships of the International Galvanizing organizations such as EGGA and IZA, which we have briefly mentioned above.
While GALDER contributes to the growth of the HDG sector with the works it carries out, it also improves the Professional standards and business ethics of the Galvanizing sector.
GALDER has also established cooperation and solidarity platforms among its members, as well as protecting the rights and interests of its members.
GALDER, which also provides training and consultancy services to institutions and organizations on issues related to the Galvanizing sector, constantly informs the public about the sector on Galvanizing and Galvanized steel issues.
For more detailed information about GALDER, you can use their information-intensive and interactive official website,, or contact Ms. S. Burcu AKYÜZ, the Secretary-General of GALDER, or Mr. Bünyamin HALAÇ, Head Of PR Comm. of GALDER.
Tolga Dıraz, PCS. is a chemical engineer and a protective coatings specialist. Since 2003, he has been involved in various stages of the protective (Industrial / Marine / Offshore) COATINGS & PAINTS sectors (in the fields of Surface Preparation, Selection & Application & Inspection of Paints / Coatings and Paint & Coating Manufacturing, Paintshop management, etc.) together with other CORROSION ENGINEERING methods such as inhibitors and cathodic protection. In addition to his professional activities in GALDER: General Galvanizer Association and TUCSA: Turkish Constructional Steel Association, he is also a member of AMPP : Association For Material Protection and Performans and ACA : Australian Corrosion Association, he is also a certified protective coating specialist (SSPC Protective Coating Specialist # 2011-231-127) and a certified coating inspector (NACE CIP #11365). In addition to his technical blog you are currently reading, you can also reach him via his social media accounts below:
The sections and paragraphs above give a brief summary of professional organizations which are actively working for the Galvanizing industry (in particular after-fabrication galvanization aka. HDG: Hot-dip Galvanization) on a national, international, and continental basis.
P.S.: Since our world is changing constantly with the political and socio-economical changes worldwide, these HDG-related professional organizations may also change with time, and hence there may be organizational changes or new professional organizations established related to Galvanizing / HDG in the future, which will be reflected future revisions of this compilation article.